Among Foundation general projects is a study of the impact of weed/insect management on population dynamics and insecticide resistance of the tarnished plant bug. |
The Cotton Foundation Board of Trustees elected officers and approved funding for 20 general research projects totaling $320,000 for 2015-16. Approved projects, which include studies related to pest management, sustainability, pollinator protection, fiber quality, agronomic practices and education, are:
- Journal of Cotton Science
- Cotton Losses
- Enhancing Cotton Industry Education and Information through the National Cotton Council Web Site
- China Cotton Leadership Exchange
- EPA Residual Risk and Technology Reviews (RTR) for the "Vegetable Oil Production" Source Category (MACT Standards Review)
- Evaluation of Low Volume TSP Sampler for Use in Measuring Agricultural PM10 and PM2.5 Sustainability of Cotton Production
- Developing an Industry-wide Standard for Cotton Variety Leaf Hairiness
- Pollinator Protection
- Support for the Pink Bollworm Post Eradication Transition
- Sustainability of US Cotton: Field to Market Fieldprint Calculator Pilot
- Enhancement of Cotton Acres Enrolled into the Fieldprint Calculator and Validation of the Cotton Industry's Field Print Calculator Express Survey
- Information and Research on Potential Consumer, Environmental and Workplace Risks
- Improvement of Biological Control of Aflatoxin Contamination With Atoxigenic Strains of Aspergillus flavus on Cotton, Corn, and Pistachios Impact of Weed and Insect Management on Population Dynamics and Insecticide Resistance of Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus lineolaris)
- On Farm Validation of the Fieldprint Calculator for Cotton
- Test Protocols for Determination of Combustible Dust Designation
- Documentation of the Pink Bollworm Eradication Program
- Application of the Field Print Calculator for Cotton Production in the Texas High Plains
Midwestern and Far West farmers observed cotton and other agricultural operations in West Texas as participants in the 2016 Multi-Commodity Education Program -- one of the Foundation's multiple special projects. |
Some Foundation member firms provide grants over and above their dues to fund special projects. One special project -- Cotton LEADS™ -- continues to help raise awareness of the responsible growing practices among U.S. and Australian cotton producers. At is more information on that initiative which is supported by the NCC, Cotton Council International, Cotton Incorporated and Cotton Australia.
Through the Foundation, support also was maintained for vital NCC communications vehicles, including the Cotton's Week newsletter. The Foundation's underpinning of the NCC's web server made it possible for the NCC to post multiple cotton-related educational materials, including streaming video.