NCC Letters Convey California Water Legislation Support
In letters to several members of California’s congressional delegation, the NCC urged the House and Senate to work to resolve the differences between S. 2198 and H.R. 3964 and work together in the remaining days of the 113th Congress to approve comprehensive drought relief legislation.
This letter was sent individually to Senators Boxer and Feinstein and Representatives Costa, Denham, McCarthy, McClintock, Nunes and Valadao.
On behalf of the National Cotton Council and our grower, gin, warehouse and merchandizing members based in California we are writing to urge the House and Senate to work to resolve the differences between S. 2198 and H.R. 3964. Recently, growers from several different areas and water districts in California developed a list of recommendations to guide the negotiations. A copy of their letter is attached. California's cotton industry supports these concepts, and respectfully urges their inclusion in a legislation that can be presented to the House and Senate for approval and sent to the President for his signature in the near future.
California's farmers are among the most efficient and productive in the world but they are dealing with a dire situation that is becoming worse with each day. Reservoirs are substantially below average, wells are increasingly going dry, and acres of prime agricultural land are fallow. The water supply situation has never been this drastic.
Farmers in California need both short term and long term solutions to the water deficit problems. We urge you and your colleagues to work together in the remaining days of the 113th Congress to approve comprehensive drought relief legislation.
Thank you for your consideration of our concerns and recommendations.
John Maguire
Senior VP
Washington Operations