NCC Comments On Four Specific Chemicals12/30/2015
The NCC submitted comments on four chemicals important to US cotton production. Learn more
NCC Comments On Tribenuron-methyl
The NCC submitted comments regarding EPA's review of four chemicals, including tribenuron-methyl, which have a significant impact on the cotton industry. Learn more
NCC Comments On Thifensulfuron-methyl
The NCC submitted comments regarding EPA's review of four chemicals, including thifensulfuron-methyl, which have a significant impact on the cotton industry. Learn more
NCC Comments On Rimsulfuron
The NCC submitted comments regarding EPA's review of four chemicals, including rimsulfuron, which have a significant impact on the cotton industry. Learn more
NCC Comments On Trifloxysulfuron-sodium
The NCC submitted comments regarding EPA's review of four chemicals, including trifloxysulfuron-sodium, which have a significant impact on the cotton industry. Learn more
NCC Comments On Chlorpyrifos Tolerances Revocation Plan
The NCC submitted comments to EPA on their proposal to revoke the tolerances for the pesticide chlorpyrifos based on current science. Learn more
USDA Response To '12 AC21 Meeting (76k pdf)
Attendees at the December meeting of USDA’s Advisory Committee on Biotechnology & 21st Century Agriculture (AC21) heard a summary of USDA activities initiated in response to the Nov. ’12 AC21 report. Learn more
Representatives Push For Cottonseed Designation (615k pdf)
100 Representatives sent a letter to Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Dec. 15 urging him to use the authority granted in the ’14 farm law to designate cottonseed as an ‘other oilseed.’ Learn more
Lubbock Banker Mike Wright's Testimony (177k pdf)
Lubbock banker Mike Wright testified Dec. 4 before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
NCC Director Cannon Michael's Testimony (177k pdf)
NCC Director Cannon Michael testified at a Dec. 9 “Stress In Cotton Country” hearing before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
Shawn Holladay's Testimony (177k pdf)
NCC Director Shawn Holladay testified at a Dec. 9 “Stress In Cotton Country” hearing before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
Nathan Reed's Testimony (177k pdf)
Nathan Reed, Arkansas state chairman, American Cotton Producers, testified at a Dec. 9 “Stress In Cotton Country” hearing before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
Kent Wannamaker Testimony (177k pdf)
NCC Director Kent Wannamaker testified at a Dec. 9 “Stress In Cotton Country” hearing before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
Shane Stephens Testimony
NCC Vice Chairman Shane Stephens testified at a Dec. 9 “Stress In Cotton Country” hearing before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
Industry Leaders' Testimonies at “Stress In Cotton Country” Hearing
Shane Stephens, NCC Vice Chairman and warehouser, a group of producer leaders and a West Texas banker outlined numerous market, policy, and regulatory issues that threaten to undermine US cotton’s health in testimony on Dec. 9 before the House Agriculture Committee’s General Farm Commodities and Risk Management Subcommittee. Learn more
Letter Urges GMO Labeling Fix Inclusion (60k pdf)
The NCC, along with 44 other agricultural organizations in the Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food, sent a letter to House and Senate leadership on Dec. 4, urging them to include language in the omnibus appropriations bill that addresses the patchwork of state genetically modified organisms (GMO) labeling laws. Learn more
Separate Comment Period Sought On Organophosphate Assessments (113k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter asking EPA to provide a separate comment period to determine if justification exists to include a Food Quality Protection Act 10X Safety Factor in the human health risk assessments of all organophosphate chemicals. Learn more
More Comment Time Sought For Chlorpyrifos Proposed Rule (112k pdf)
The NCC, along with other agricultural organizations, submitted a Nov. 23 letter to EPA asking the agency to extend the comment period for its proposed rule to revoke all tolerances for chlorpyrifos. Learn more
Surface Transportation Bill Supported (82k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter to all House and Senate Members supporting passage of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (H.R. 22). Learn more
NCC Raises Indemnity Concern
In a letter to Risk Management Agency (RMA) Administrator Brandon Willis regarding historic rains and floods in the Southeast, the NCC specifically noted that many producers who have accepted an appraisal for their loss still have not been able to destroy their crop due to moisture – which is required before receiving an indemnity check. Learn more
Letter Seeks Support For NCC’s Cottonseed Policy (154k pdf)
House Agriculture Committee Chairman Conaway (R-TX) and Ranking Member Peterson (D-MN) circulated a letter to their House colleagues across the Cotton Belt seeking signatures in support of the cottonseed policy being pursued by NCC. Learn more
Attention To Tax Code Provisions Urged (55k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter to House and Senate leadership requesting that they act as soon as possible to address the numerous provisions of the tax code (i.e. tax extenders) that expired on Dec. 31, ’14. Learn more
Senators Urged to Keep Crop Insurance Intact (84k pdf)
As part of a coalition representing a cross section of agricultural organizations, the NCC signed onto a letter delivered to all Senators thanking those who came to the defense of crop insurance during the recent budget debate and urging Senators to uphold the promise to make the crop insurance program whole again without re-opening the farm bill. Learn more
Extension Sought On Pesticides Registration Review
The NCC submitted a 60-day extension request for more time to review EPA’s pesticide registration review of draft human health and ecological risk assessments for sulfonylureas and other pesticides -- including organophosphates. The request highlighted seven specific chemicals used in crop protection products that are of significant importance to the cotton industry. Learn more
Letter Urges Swift Surface Transportation Enactment (98k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter to House and Senate conferees expressing support for prompt enactment of multi-year surface transportation legislation. Learn more
Letter Urges CFTC Agriculture Representation (9k pdf)
The NCC, along with 16 other agricultural organizations, sent a letter to the President citing a need for someone with agricultural markets knowledge in regards to the current open position for a democratic commissioner on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Learn more
Letter Supports Amendment Creating CDL Pilot Program (82k pdf)
The NCC joined a coalition of other agriculture organizations on a letter in support of Rep. Crawford’s (R-AR) amendment that would create a commercial driver's license pilot program as part of six-year surface transportation legislation. Learn more
Letter Conveys Port Performance Act Support
The NCC joined with numerous agricultural, agribusiness, transportation and other organizations on a letter to House Members in support of an amendment to include the “Port Performance Act” in a six-year surface transportation bill. Learn more
STAX Modifications Bulletin Issued (32k pdf)
USDA's Nov. 3 information memorandum PM-15-052 to all approved insurance providers, Risk Management Agency (RMA) field offices and all other interested parties, stated that after considering feedback and input from various program participants during the 2015 insurance year, RMA is making several modifications to the STAX program as follows: 1) allow producers to elect a zero percent coverage range by practice; 2) allow Written Agreements that affect insurable acreage to apply to STAX; and 3) make STAX coverage available for cottonseed through an optional endorsement. Learn more
Surface Transportation Bill Support Letter Sent (202k pdf)
The NCC joined with multiple agricultural producer, commodity and agribusiness organizations on a Nov. 3 letter to all House Members urging them to support passage of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act of 2015 (H.R. 3763) when it is considered on the House floor (via H.R. 22). Learn more
Letter Urges Ex-Im Bank Reauthorization (12k pdf)
Prior to House passage of a bill to reauthorize the Ex-IM Bank, the NCC sent a letter to all Cotton Belt House Members’ offices urging support for the bill. Joining the NCC on the letter were Amcot, the American Cotton Shippers Association and the National Council of Textile Organizations. Learn more
Privacy Principles Developed For Farmers' Data (89k pdf)
Over the past year, a number of farm groups, including the NCC, worked together with agriculture technology providers to develop a set of privacy principles to protect farmers from having their data utilized in an unknown way. Learn more
Budget Bill Provision Would Undermine Crop Insurance
An Oct. 27 Action Alert from NCC President/CEO Gary Adams to the American Cotton Producers Executive Committee, NCC Crop Insurance Implementation Working Group and producer interest organizations asks those groups to promptly contact their House of Representative member/delegation and Senators and request that they work with the House and Senate agriculture committees' leadership to strike a provision in the just announced two-year federal budget agreement that would require USDA to renegotiate the Standard Reinsurance Agreement with crop insurance companies and reduce the target rate of return to 8.9%. The NCC believes the provision would cripple the private sector delivery system and result in company consolidation. Learn more
NCC Says Budget Bill Provision Harmful To Crop Insurance
NCC President/CEO Gary Adams sent a letter to Congressional Members on Oct. 27 stating that the NCC is strongly opposed to a provision included in the just announced two-year budget agreement that would have devastating impacts on the private sector delivery of crop insurance. He urged Members to work with the House and Senate agriculture committees' leadership to either strike the provision (Section 201) from the budget agreement or oppose the agreement if it remains in the bill. Learn more
Administration Thanked For Biotech Regulatory Framework Review (338k pdf)
Prior to a Senate agriculture committee hearing on biotechnology, the NCC joined with other agriculture groups on a letter to the White House expressing their appreciation for the Administration’s initiative to review and assess the coordinated framework for regulating biotech products. Learn more
NCC Supports Surface Transportation Bill (127k pdf)
The NCC joined numerous other agriculture organizations urging support for a six-year surface transportation bill from the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. Those Committee members later approved by voice vote the legislation that will help US agriculture and which could come to the House floor as early as the week of Oct. 26. Learn more
Letter Requests Emergency Loss Adjustment
The NCC joined with the North Carolina Cotton Producers Assoc., the South Carolina Cotton Board and the Southern Cotton Growers on a letter to Risk Management Agency (RMA) Administrator Brandon Willis requesting the RMA implement emergency loss adjustment procedures to help expedite the claim process for growers affected by the recent floods and excessive rains in North Carolina and South Carolina. Learn more
Chart Outlines TPP Approval Timeline (183k pdf)
The final text of the recently negotiated Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) had not been released as of Oct. 16, but this chart contains the timelines for notifications to Congress, the release of the text, and consideration by Congressional committees and the House and Senate. Learn more
WOTUS Rule Clarification Sought (244k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter to EPA Administrator McCarthy and Secretary of the Army McHugh seeking clarification on the practical implications of the final rule defining “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act. Learn more
Comments Filed on USDA’s CRP Final Rule
The NCC joined other national commodity organizations on joint comments to USDA on its Conservation Reserve Program final rule that makes changes required from passage of the ’14 farm law. Learn more
Letter Conveys Support For Regulatory Process Modernization Bill (113k pdf)
A letter signed by NCC and 386 other groups from various industries was sent to leadership of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee applauding the introduction of the Regulatory Accountability Act of 2015 (S. 2006). Learn more
Letter Urges Congressional Tax Provisions Action (191k pdf)
The NCC joined more than 2000 other agriculture, business and manufacturing groups on a letter to all Representatives and Senators urging them to act on a multiyear or permanent extension of the expired and expiring tax provisions, including appropriate enhancements as soon as possible this year. Learn more
Letter Urges China Engagement on Ag Innovation, Trade (116k pdf)
The NCC, along with other agriculture industry members, sent a letter to President Obama expressing the need for his continued engagement with China’s President Xi Jinping on agricultural innovation and trade. Learn more
NCC Comments Regarding Monarch Butterfly Proposal
NCC filed a comment letter in response to EPA’s request to identify risk management options to protect monarch butterflies. Learn more
NCC Comments on Pollinator Proposals
NCC's comments to EPA in response to the agency’s proposal to address pollinator health and mitigating bee exposure to pesticides included addressing EPA’s proposed pesticide label changes to protect bees from pesticide use. Learn more
Notice Outlines Payment Limit Reconciliation Process (165k pdf)
USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) recently issued notice CMA-138 regarding the process and instructions for FSA county offices, Cooperative Marketing Associations, Loan Servicing Agents and Designated Marketing Associations to conduct an interim reconciliation of marketing loan gains and loan deficiency payments attributed to the $125,000 per person payment limit. Learn more
Biofuel Production Analysis Comments Submitted
The NCC submitted comments to the Federal Register on Aug. 13 in support of EPA’s notice on analysis of the greenhouse gas emissions attributable to production and transport of cotton (Gossypium spp.) seed oil for use in biofuel production. Learn more
Letter Sought Senators' Support of Highway Bill (160k pdf)
The NCC joined with other agricultural groups on a letter to Senators asking for their support of the Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act -- which passed by a 63-34 vote during the week of July 27. The multi-year surface transportation legislation contains numerous provisions that will help agriculture producers get their products to market in an efficient manner. Learn more
Letter Sought Support On House-Passed Food Labeling Bil
Prior to House passage on July 23 of the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599), the NCC sent out a letter of support to all Cotton Belt Members to express the importance of this legislation to the cotton industry and the agriculture community. Learn more
Senate Panel Approves Tax Extenders Bill (65k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Hatch (R-UT) and Ranking Member Wyden (D-OR) supporting important provisions contained in tax extender legislation approved by that Committee during the week of July 20. Learn more
Letter Conveys Support For Water Delivery Legislation
During the week of July 13. the NCC sent a letter in support of the Western Water and American Food Security Act (H.R. 2898) to the bill's sponsor, Rep. Valadao (R-CA), as well as its co-sponsors, Reps. Costa (D-CA), Denham (R-CA), LaMalfa (R-CA), McCarthy (R-CA) and Nunes (R-CA). Learn more
Memo Addresses Improved Biotech Regulation (217k pdf)
On July 2, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released a memorandum on modernizing the framework and regulatory system for biotechnology products which was last updated in '92. Learn more
Support Conveyed For Port Transparency (42k pdf)
The NCC joined other farm and business organizations on a letter to Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee Chairman Thune (R-SD) in support of the “Port Transparency Act” (S. 1298). Learn more
Letter Urges Swift Action on Bonus Depreciation Bill (145k pdf)
The NCC joined other farm and business groups on a letter to House Ways and Means Committee members urging swift action on H.R. 2510 that would permanently extend bonus depreciation. Learn more
NCC Submits Comments on GE Organisms
The NCC submitted comments to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in response to their stakeholder message on Feb. 27 when they announced the withdrawal of the ’08 proposed rule that would have amended the regulations for certain genetically engineered organisms. Learn more
AFBF Summarizes Final WOTUS Rule (225k pdf)
The American Farm Bureau Federation prepared a summary of EPA’s final "Waters of the US" rule. Learn more
Letter Conveys Support For Federal Water Quality Protection Act (119k pdf)
After the Federal Water Quality Protection Act (S. 1140) passed in Committee last week, 383 state businesses, organizations, associations, and chambers of commerce co-signed a letter to all Senate members expressing their support for this important legislation and urging all Senators to become co-sponsors. Learn more
Letter Touts Benefits of Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (1.42mb pdf)
The NCC and other agriculture community members worked with House Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman Davis (R-IL) to get signatures from House Agriculture Committee members for a letter sent to leadership of the Energy & Commerce Committee that explained the positive aspects of the newly amended Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599). Learn more
Letter Addresses Shipping Fee Concerns (38k pdf)
The NCC joined more than 90 other organizations representing a wide range of industries on a follow up letter to the chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) regarding the FMC’s report on Rules, Rates, and Practices Relating to Detention, Demurrage, and Free Time for Containerized Imports and Exports Moving Through Selected United States Ports. Learn more
Support Urged For WOTUS Withdrawal Bill (83k pdf)
The NCC, along with other members of the Waters Advocacy Coalition, sent a letter to all Senators urging them to support the Federal Water Quality Protection Act (S. 1140), which would require the withdrawal of the rulemaking finalized by the EPA and Army Corps of Engineers redefining “waters of the Unites States” (WOTUS) under the Clean Water Act. Learn more
Letter Urges No Berry Amendment Weakening (473k pdf)
As part of the ongoing effort to ensure the Berry Amendment protections are not weakened by Congress in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act, the NCC and other textile and manufacturing associations sent a letter to all Senators in support of two amendments filed by Sen. Ayotte (R-NH). Learn more
Ag Groups Convey CFTC Reauthorization Support
The NCC was among a group of 33 organizations which sent a letter to House Agriculture Committee members and other Congressional Members in support of the Commodity End-User Relief Act (H.R. 2289) that the House was expected to consider the week of June 8. Learn more
Compliance Interim Rule Comments Filed
The NCC joined with more than 40 agriculture, lending, crop insurance and conservation groups on comments regarding USDA’s Interim Rule on conservation compliance. Learn more
Letter Outlines Berry Amendment Threshold Concerns (446k pdf)
A letter from a coalition of nine cotton, textile and apparel associations to all Senate Armed Services Committee members outlined the industry’s concerns with the increase in the Berry Amendment threshold. Learn more
Letter Highlights Berry Threshold Restoration Importance (448k pdf)
A letter from nine cotton, textile and apparel associations sent to all House offices during the debate on the FY16 National Defense Authorization Act, highlighted the importance of restoring the Berry threshold. Learn more
NCC Submits Crop Insurance Comments
The NCC submitted detailed comments to USDA’s Risk Management Agency regarding proposed changes to Section 508(h) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act. Learn more
Letter Urges No TPA Bill Amendments
The NCC joined 15 other agriculture and commodity organizations on a letter to the Senate Finance Committee leadership urging no amendments to the TPA bill and other trade measures that were approved by the Committee. Learn more
Ag Groups Convey Support For S. 1140 (86k pdf)
The NCC joined other agricultural organizations on a letter to leadership of the Senate agriculture and environment and public works committees urging their support of the Federal Water Quality Protection Act (S. 1140). Learn more
Support Conveyed For S. 1140 (68k pdf)
The NCC joined a broad coalition of industries in support of the Federal Water Quality Protection Act (S. 1140), which would require EPA to withdraw its proposed “Waters of the US” rule and rewrite the rule after consultation with stakeholders. Learn more
Letter Conveys H.R. 1732 Support
The NCC urged Cotton Belt Representatives to oppose any amendment that would weaken the Regulatory Protection Integrity Act of 2015 (H.R. 1732). Learn more
Science-Based Labeling Sought (49k pdf)
The Coalition for Safe and Affordable Food sent a letter to all House Members urging them to co-sponsor and support the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act (H.R. 1599). Learn more
More Honey Bee Research Needed (83k pdf)
The NCC and other agricultural industry members cosigned and submitted comments to leadership of the House and Senate agriculture appropriations subcommittees expressing support for increases in the President’s FY16 budget for honey bee research activities. Learn more
Berry Amendment Preservation Sought (235k pdf)
The NCC, along with six other organizations representing the textile and manufacturing sectors, conveyed US textile industry concerns in sent a letter to House Armed Services Committee leaders in advance of that Committee’s consideration of the FY16 National Defense Authorization bill. Learn more
Flubendiamide Registration Urged (30k pdf)
The NCC submitted a comment letter to EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs asking the agency to consider the weight of scientific evidence for retaining the registration of flubendiamide (Belt) for use on cotton. Learn more
NCC Comments on Chlorpyrifos Assessment (36k pdf)
In an April 30 comment letter, the NCC asked EPA to consider all submitted studies and continue reliance on credible scientific data before making any risk assessment and regulatory decisions regarding chlorpyrifos. Learn more
Comments Submitted on UAS Proposed Rule (89k pdf)
The NCC and other agriculture organizations co-signed a letter that was sent to the Federal Aviation Administration commenting on the Operation and Certification of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems proposed rule. Learn more
Letter Supports WOTUS Rule Withdrawal (67k pdf)
The Water Advocacy Coalition, of which the NCC is a member, sent a letter to House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee leadership urging Members to vote for the “Regulatory Integrity Protection Act of 2015” (H.R. 1732). This bill, if enacted, would require EPA and the Corps to withdraw the “WOTUS” rule within 30 days. Learn more
Comments Conveyed on Tax Provisions (72k pdf)
The NCC joined other agriculture organizations on a letter to the Senate Finance Committee leadership to comment on several tax provisions important to the agriculture industry. Learn more
NCC Comments on Rootworm Resistance Proposal
The NCC filed comments on EPA’s proposal to change corn rootworm resistance management provisions saying the agency has proposed a mandate for resistance management without recognizing its detriment to the farming industry. Learn more
Letter Asks EPA About Pollinator Protection Activities (710k pdf)
Twelve Senators sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy asking to learn more about steps the agency is taking to protect pollinator health. Learn more
Biotech Comments To EPA (331k pdf)
The NCC signed on to a letter regarding EPA’s request for public input on the agency’s regulatory review process that specifically focused on the importance of biotechnology and plant-incorporated protectants. Learn more
Letters Conveys Industry Appropriations Priorities
A NCC letter to Sens. Moran (R-KS) and Merkley (D-OR), the chairman and ranking members, respectively, of the Senate Appropriations Committee's Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, transmitted the cotton industry’s request for FY16 funding for selected programs under the Subcommittee's jurisdiction. An identical letter was sent to leaders of the corresponding House subcommittee. Learn more
Ag Committee Leaders Input On Biotech Labeling Debate Appreciated (12k pdf)
The NCC joined onto a letter to House Agriculture Committee Chairman Conaway and Ranking Member Peterson thanking them for engaging and being helpful on the biotech labeling debate. Learn more
NCC Letter Shows Support For Ag Innovation, Biotechnology (160k pdf)
the NCC showed their support for agriculture innovation and biotechnology by signing on to a letter to all Senators that explained the importance of technology to the agriculture industry and urged them to oppose any budget or appropriations amendments that would deny agriculture producers access to modern technology. Learn more
Letter Conveys NCC's Support of Death Tax Repeal Bill (65k pdf)
The NCC joined other agriculture organizations on a March 24 letter to Reps. Brady (R-TX) and Bishop (D-GA) in support of the Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015 (H.R. 1105). Learn more
NCC Joins On Letter Supporting HR 897 (195k pdf)
The NCC joined with nearly 100 organizations on a letter to the House Agriculture Committee urging support for the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2015 (HR 897). Learn more
Letter Conveys E-Verify Concerns (38k pdf)
The NCC joined a broad cross section of agriculture on a letter to the House leadership to express and explain the coalition’s strong opposition to the Legal Workforce Act. Learn more
NCC Urges No Budget Reductions For Farm Law (125k pdf)
The NCC joined with a wide-ranging group of organizations representing production agriculture, conservation, credit, rural development, nutrition, and energy on a Feb. 23 letter to the leadership of the House and Senate budget committees urging no reductions to the Agricultural Act of 2014. Learn more
Letter to National Academy of Sciences Regarding Biotech Crops
The NCC, along with other members of the Agriculture Biotech Alliance (ABA), signed onto a letter regarding biotech crops and products to Dr. Fred Gould and the National Academies of Sciences in response to their most recent biotech study: A Science-Based Look at Genetically Engineered Crops. Learn more
Letter to EC Commissioner Touts Biotech Ag Products, Crops (49k pdf)
The NCC, along with other members of the Agriculture Biotech Alliance (ABA), signed onto a letter to Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis of the European Commission calling on the European Union to act without delay on drafting decisions authorizing importation for food and feed processing of 13 new biotechnology products. Learn more
NCC Files Statement on Trade Priorities
The NCC outlined US cotton's key trade concerns in a statement of record it filed as part of the Senate Finance Committee's Jan. 27 hearing on the US trade policy agenda. Learn more
Comments Filed On CFTC Proposal (67k pdf)
The NCC, along with AMCOT and the American Cotton Shippers Assoc., filed comments with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in response to a proposal to impose position limits on market participants in commodities markets. Learn more
Commodity Groups Respond to Negative Editorial
The NCC recently led a group of commodity organizations in responding to a misleading Wall Street Journal op-ed entitled, “Harvesting Crop Insurance Profits.” Learn more
Cotton Belt Senators -- 114th Congress (pdf)
A list of Cotton Belt Senators and their key staff members for the 114th Congress. Learn more
Key Trade Issues Affecting U.S. Cotton (2 mb pdf)
The National Cotton Council prepared a presentation on key trade issues that are currently affecting the U.S. cotton industry. Learn more
Trade Issues Affecting the U.S. Cotton Industry
The NCC prepared a powerpoint presentation on current trade issues affecting U.S. cotton Learn more
FSA Announces New Yield Data for Safety Net Calculations
USDA's Farm Service Agency is offering farmers new information to update program payment yields that will help them better select protections offered by the Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) programs. Learn more