Trio Honored With 2008 Cotton Genetics Research Award SAN ANTONIO, TX – The team of Drs. Al Bell, Forest Robinson and Dave Stelly received the 2008 Cotton Genetics Award by accomplishing a major breakthrough in transferring resistance to reniform nematode from a wild cotton species to upland cotton.
January 6, 2009
2009 High Cotton Winners Display Environmental Ethic in Communities Jimmy Dodson uses border strips to avoid drifting pesticides onto his neighbors’ lawns. Mike Tate is considered to be a “preferred” neighbor among residents in his community. Jason Luckey spends hours telling agriculture’s story to community organizations. Danny Locke shows small groups of other farmers what he’s doing to make his operation more environmentally friendly.
Cotton Economic Update NCC Vice President Gary Adams said at current stock levels, short-term optimism for cotton prices is difficult to find but the landscape can and does change quickly -- making it critical for producers to understand the current environment and marketing strategies.
National Cotton Council Report NCC Chairman Larry McClendon told '09 Beltwide Cotton Conferences attendees he believes the US cotton industry has excellent prospects for achieving profitable production and processing -- and the NCC will continue its longstanding commitment of its resources for technology development/transfer and bringing resolution to technology-based priorities. (<a href=news/meetings/2009bw/index.cfm>more Beltwide news</a>)
December 31, 2008
“Improving Our Farm, Future and World” Is 2009 Beltwide Cotton Conferences’ Theme Producers and others with a vested interest in the U.S. cotton industry are invited to attend the world’s annual premier cotton information forum – the Beltwide Cotton Conferences – on Jan. 5-8 at the Marriott Rivercenter/Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX.