| Earl Williams Receives Distinguished Service Award MONTEREY, Calif. – Earl Williams, past president/chief executive officer of the California Cotton Ginners Association, was honored here on May 29 as the recipient of the National Cotton Ginners Association’s (NCGA) '13-14 Distinguished Service Award. |
 | National Cotton Council Names 2014 Directors The National Cotton Council directors for 2014 were announced at the NCC’s annual meeting held here on February 7-9. |  | Cotton Service Award Honors Saxby Chambliss Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is the recipient of the 2013 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award. He was honored during the National Cotton Council’s 2014 annual meeting held on Feb. 7-9, in Washington, DC. |  | Darneille to Lead the NCC in '14 Wallace L. Darneille, a Lubbock, Texas, cooperative marketer, was elected NCC chairman for 2014. Named during the NCC’s annual meeting held in Washington, DC, on Feb. 7-9, he succeeds Jimmy Dodson, a Robstown, Texas, cotton producer. |  | National Cotton Council 2014 State Unit Officers Named National Cotton Council state unit officers for 2014 were elected at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting in Washington, DC, on February 7-9. |