| National Cotton Council 2017 State Unit Officers Named National Cotton Council state unit officers for 2017 were elected at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on February 10-12. |  | National Cotton Council Names 2017 Directors MEMPHIS, Tenn. – The National Cotton Council directors for 2017 were announced at the NCC’s annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on February 10-12. |  | Michael Tate Re-elected American Cotton Producers Chair Michael Tate of Huntsville, Ala., was re-elected as chairman of the American Cotton Producers (ACP) of the National Cotton Council (NCC) for 2017, during the NCC’s annual meeting held in Dallas, Texas, on February 10-12. |
 | David Blakemore to Lead National Cotton Ginners Association The Memphis-based National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA) elected its 2017 officers on February 11 during its annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. |  | Ronnie Lee to Lead the NCC in 2017 Ronnie Lee to Lead the National Cotton Council in 2017
Ronnie Lee, a cotton producer from Bronwood, Ga., was elected National Cotton Council chairman for 2017. |  | Kent Fountain Is National Ginner Award Recipient Kent Fountain, managing partner of Southeastern Gin and Peanut in Surrency, Ga., and a tireless leader in the National Cotton Ginners Association (NCGA), Southeastern Ginners and National Cotton Council, is the 2016 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year. |  | Cotton Service Award Honors Mark Lange Dr. Mark Lange, who served as president and chief executive officer for the National Cotton Council from 2003 until his retirement in 2015, is the recipient of the 2016 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award. |  | Cotton Achievement Award Honors Charlie Owen The late Charles C. Owen, an Arizona ginner whose career was marked by his strong desire to advance the U.S. cotton industry through quality preservation, research, employee education and outreach to U.S. cotton’s customers, is the recipient of the 2016 Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award. |
 | Cotton Council International Elects 2017 Officers Eduardo L. (Eddy) Esteve, a merchant from Dallas, Texas, will serve as president of Cotton Council International (CCI) for 2017. He and other CCI officers were elected at CCI’s board meeting in Dallas today during the National Cotton Council’s 2017 Annual Meeting. |